It takes place upstairs on synthetic ice and utilizes the Hockey Copilot - a shooting trainer and simulator!
Our full day and half day camps include on-ice training and dryland training each day. We balance technical instruction with fun games to encourage overall development while having fun!
Our full day camps include on-ice training and off-ice training each day focusing on a variety of skills. We balance technical instruction with fun games to encourage overall development while having fun!
Our Pay-as-you-Go clinics are perfect for players that cannot commit to a weekly program or players who want to target different skill sets. Each full-ice clinic is 50 minutes with a maximum of 10 players and 2 instructors. Half-Ice clinics have a maximum of 5 players and 1 instructor.
Our Hockey Lab Pay-as-you-Go clinics take place upstairs on synthetic ice and utilize the Hockey Copilot -- a shooting trainer and simulator. There is a maximum of 4 players with 1 instructor and each session is 45 minutes.
We offer power skating programs for overall skating development, as well as specific Edge Control programs for older players.
This program is for House League and Select levels featuring a mix of skill development and 3 on 3 game play.
This program covers techniques and strategies specifically for forwards.
This program covers techniques and strategies specifically for defencemen.
Perfect for players that are looking for a high-tempo tune-up before the season begins!
This program covers power skating, shooting, passing, puck control, play-making skills, and more!
4-week Learn to Skate, Learn to Play Hockey and Shooting & Power Skating programs designed for adults.