Pre-Season Prep with Body Checking

This 4-week program focuses on shooting, puck handling, passing and transitional skating through fast-paced drills. Our instructors will review the key points for body checking and include checking in the drills and scrimmages. This program is not intended for players who have not completed basic body-checking training previously.

There is a maximum of 10 players with 2 instructors and each session is 50 minutes.



8:30pm: U15 (2011) - Register




Pre-Season Prep Program

This program focuses on shooting, puck handling, passing and transitional skating through fast-paced drills. There is a maximum of 10 players with 2 instructors and each session is 50 minutes.


AUGUST 2ND - AUGUST 23RD (SATURDAYS) - $175 (4-week program)
2:30pm: Ages 7-9 - Register

3:30pm: Ages 10-13 - Register


AUGUST 5TH - AUGUST 19TH (TUESDAYS) - $135 (3-week program)
7:30pm: Ages 7-9 - Register

8:30pm: Ages 10-13 - Register




Pre-Season Mini Camp

This 5-day camp will include a 50 minute on-ice session each day focusing on a variety of skills. There is a maximum of 10 players per group with 2 instructors.



4:30pm: U7 (2019/2020) - Register
5:30pm: U9 (2017/2018) - Register

6:30pm: U9 (2017/2018) - Register
7:30pm: U11 (2015/2016) - Register

8:30pm: U13 (2013/2014) - Register